Are you familiar with the essential health benefits that health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable Care Act? If not, don’t worry! I’m here to guide you through it. Essential health benefits are a set of 10 categories of services that all health insurance plans are required to provide. These categories include doctors’ services, hospital care, prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth coverage, mental health services, and more. Some plans may go above and beyond these essential health benefits, offering additional services.

It’s important to note that while dental coverage for children is mandatory, dental benefits for adults are optional. Additionally, the specific services covered may vary from state to state. Each state has an essential health benefits benchmark plan based on regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services. These benchmark plans may need to be updated to comply with current federal requirements.

Overall, the Affordable Care Act ensures that all individual and small group health plans provide comprehensive coverage through essential health benefits. This means that important services like mental health and substance abuse treatment, maternity coverage, and services for developmental and intellectual disorders are now included, providing comprehensive health insurance for all Americans.

  • Essential health benefits are a set of 10 categories of services that health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable Care Act.
  • Dental coverage for children is required, but dental benefits for adults are optional.
  • Each state has an EHB-benchmark plan based on regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
  • The ACA ensures coverage for important services that were not previously covered by many plans, such as mental health and substance abuse services, maternity coverage, and habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders.
  • The requirement for essential health benefits offers comprehensive health insurance for all Americans.

What are Essential Health Benefits?

Essential health benefits (EHB) are a set of 10 categories of services that health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable Care Act. These categories ensure that individuals have access to necessary medical services and treatments. Let’s dive into the definition, coverage, and categories of essential health benefits.


Essential health benefits encompass a wide range of services that are vital for maintaining overall well-being. These benefits are designed to provide comprehensive coverage, ensuring that individuals have access to necessary medical care. They help protect individuals from incurring high out-of-pocket costs by mandating coverage for essential services.


Under the Affordable Care Act, health plans are required to cover essential health benefits. However, it’s important to note that some plans may offer additional services beyond the essential health benefits. Dental coverage for children is required, while dental benefits for adults are optional. The specific services covered may vary based on the requirements of each state.

To determine the details of what each plan offers, it is essential to compare plans. By doing so, individuals can make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage, ensuring that their specific needs are met.


The ten categories of essential health benefits include:

  1. Doctors’ Services: This category covers visits to primary care physicians, specialists, and other healthcare professionals.

  2. Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Care: It includes coverage for hospital stays, surgeries, and outpatient procedures.

  3. Prescription Drug Coverage: This category ensures access to necessary medications prescribed by healthcare providers.

  4. Pregnancy and Childbirth: Essential health benefits include coverage for prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care.

  5. Mental Health Services: This category encompasses mental health and substance use disorder services, including counseling and therapy.

  6. Preventive and Wellness Services: It includes coverage for preventive care, such as vaccinations, screenings, and counseling, to promote overall health and well-being.

  7. Pediatric Services: Essential health benefits ensure coverage for pediatric care, including well-child visits, immunizations, and vision and dental care for children.

  8. Emergency Services: This category covers emergency medical services, including ambulance transportation and emergency room visits.

  9. Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services: Essential health benefits include coverage for rehabilitation services, such as physical therapy, as well as habilitative services to help individuals develop skills and abilities.

  10. Laboratory Services: This category includes coverage for laboratory tests and diagnostic services, essential for diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions.

These categories provide a comprehensive range of services, addressing various aspects of healthcare and promoting overall well-being.

In conclusion, essential health benefits are a crucial component of health insurance coverage, ensuring that individuals have access to necessary medical services. By mandating coverage for these ten categories, the Affordable Care Act aims to provide comprehensive health insurance for all Americans. Whether it’s doctor visits, hospital care, prescription drugs, or preventive services, essential health benefits play a vital role in protecting individuals’ health and financial well-being.

To learn more about essential health benefits, you can visit the CMS website.

Remember, when it comes to your health, understanding your insurance coverage is essential. So, take the time to compare plans and make informed decisions to ensure that your healthcare needs are met.

The Importance of Essential Health Benefits

Essential health benefits (EHB) play a vital role in ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage for individuals and families. Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance plans are required to include coverage for a set of 10 categories of services that fall under the EHB mandate. These categories encompass a wide range of healthcare needs, including doctors’ services, hospital care, prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more.

Expanded Coverage

One of the significant advantages of essential health benefits is the expanded coverage they offer. While the specific services covered may vary from state to state, the EHB mandate ensures that essential healthcare services are included in all individual and small group health plans. This means that individuals can access necessary medical care without worrying about being denied coverage for certain services.

For example, under the EHB mandate, mental health and substance abuse services have become more widely available. Previously, many health plans did not cover these essential services, leaving individuals struggling to find affordable and accessible care. With the inclusion of mental health services in the EHB, individuals now have greater access to the support they need.

Financial Protection

Another crucial aspect of essential health benefits is the financial protection they provide. The Affordable Care Act eliminated caps on coverage for EHB, ensuring that individuals are not burdened with exorbitant medical expenses. By removing these caps, patients can access necessary treatments and services without fear of reaching their coverage limits.

Imagine facing a serious illness or injury and being saddled with overwhelming medical bills. Essential health benefits provide a safety net, shielding individuals and families from the financial strain that can result from unexpected healthcare costs. Whether it’s emergency services, hospitalization, prescription drugs, or preventive care, the EHB mandate helps to alleviate the financial burden associated with medical expenses.


Essential health benefits are a cornerstone of comprehensive healthcare coverage. They ensure that individuals have access to a broad range of necessary services and provide financial protection against high medical costs. By including categories such as mental health services, maternity care, and prescription drugs, the EHB mandate addresses critical healthcare needs and promotes the well-being of all Americans.

Click here to learn more about essential health benefits.

Understanding the Affordable Care Act and Essential Health Benefits

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made significant changes to the healthcare system in the United States, with one key aspect being the requirement for health insurance plans to cover essential health benefits (EHB). These benefits are a set of 10 categories of services that all health insurance plans must include. Let’s dive into the requirements, mandates, and updates related to essential health benefits.


Under the ACA, health insurance plans are obligated to cover the following essential health benefits:

  1. Ambulatory patient services
  2. Emergency services
  3. Hospitalization
  4. Maternity and newborn care
  5. Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
  6. Prescription drugs
  7. Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  8. Laboratory services
  9. Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  10. Pediatric services, including oral and vision care

These categories encompass a wide range of services, ensuring that individuals have access to comprehensive healthcare coverage.


In addition to the mandatory coverage of the 10 essential health benefit categories, the ACA includes specific mandates related to these benefits. For instance, dental coverage is required for children, but it is optional for adults. This means that while all health insurance plans must include dental coverage for children, it is up to the discretion of the plan whether to offer dental benefits for adults.

Furthermore, the specific services covered within each essential health benefit category may vary depending on the requirements of each state. Each state has an EHB-benchmark plan, which serves as a reference point for the essential health benefits coverage offered by health insurance plans within that state. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) establishes the regulations for these benchmark plans.


States have the option to update their EHB-benchmark plans based on new standards set by HHS. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved changes to EHB-benchmark plans for several states for plan years 2020-2025. These updates aim to ensure that the coverage provided aligns with current federal requirements.

It’s important to note that some EHB-benchmark plans may not comply with the most recent federal regulations. In such cases, issuers may need to adjust plan benefits to ensure compliance. Additionally, the EHB-benchmark plans may include annual and lifetime dollar limits, but these limits cannot be applied to essential health benefits.

States also have the authority to determine which specific services are included within the essential health benefit categories. This flexibility allows states to address the unique healthcare needs of their populations.


Understanding essential health benefits is crucial for individuals seeking health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. These benefits encompass a broad range of services, ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage for all Americans. While the specific services covered may vary based on state requirements, the ACA mandates that all individual and small group health plans include essential health benefits. By eliminating caps on coverage for these benefits, the ACA has expanded access to important services, reducing financial burdens for individuals and families.

For more information on essential health benefits, you can refer to Families USA.

Key Categories of Essential Health Benefits

Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance plans are required to cover a set of 10 categories of services known as essential health benefits (EHBs). These categories ensure that individuals have access to necessary healthcare services and treatments. Let’s explore each of these categories in detail:

Ambulatory Patient Services

Ambulatory patient services refer to healthcare services provided on an outpatient basis, meaning patients do not require overnight hospitalization. This category includes visits to doctors, specialists, and other healthcare professionals, as well as outpatient procedures, diagnostic tests, and preventive screenings.

Emergency Services

Emergency services cover the cost of emergency medical care, including visits to the emergency room, ambulance services, and emergency medical transportation. It ensures that individuals have access to immediate and life-saving treatments in case of accidents, severe illnesses, or other emergencies.


Hospitalization includes inpatient care, which refers to medical services and treatments provided to patients who require overnight stays in a hospital or healthcare facility. This category covers the cost of hospital rooms, surgeries, medical procedures, medications, and other necessary treatments.

Maternity and Newborn Care

Maternity and newborn care encompass prenatal care, childbirth, and postnatal care for both the mother and the newborn. It includes services such as prenatal check-ups, ultrasounds, delivery and postpartum care, breastfeeding support, and newborn screenings.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

Mental health and substance use disorder services ensure that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health care and treatment for substance abuse. It covers services such as counseling, therapy sessions, psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and substance abuse treatment programs.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug coverage includes the cost of medications prescribed by healthcare professionals. This category ensures that individuals have access to necessary medications for their health conditions, chronic illnesses, and acute ailments. It covers both generic and brand-name prescription drugs.

Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services

Rehabilitative and habilitative services refer to treatments and therapies that help individuals recover or improve their physical, mental, or cognitive abilities. This category includes services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other rehabilitative or habilitative programs.

Laboratory Services

Laboratory services encompass diagnostic tests, laboratory screenings, and medical laboratory procedures. It includes services such as blood tests, urine tests, genetic testing, imaging services, and other laboratory examinations. These tests help healthcare professionals diagnose and monitor various health conditions.

Preventive and Wellness Services

Preventive and wellness services focus on promoting overall health and preventing illnesses before they occur. This category includes services such as vaccinations, screenings, annual check-ups, preventive counseling, and wellness programs. It ensures that individuals receive preventive care to maintain their health and detect potential health issues early on.

Pediatric Services

Pediatric services cater specifically to children’s healthcare needs. This category covers a wide range of services, including well-child visits, immunizations, preventive care, screenings, and treatments for pediatric health conditions. It ensures that children receive comprehensive healthcare from infancy through adolescence.

It’s important to note that while these 10 categories of essential health benefits are required under the Affordable Care Act, some health insurance plans may offer additional services beyond these benefits. Additionally, dental coverage for children is mandatory, but dental benefits for adults are optional.

To determine the specific services covered by a health insurance plan, it’s essential to compare plans and review the details provided by each plan. Each state may have variations in the services covered based on their requirements and regulations.

For more information on essential health benefits, you can refer to

The Impact of Essential Health Benefits on Coverage

Elimination of Coverage Caps

When it comes to health insurance coverage, one of the most significant impacts of essential health benefits is the elimination of coverage caps. In the past, many insurance plans imposed limits on the amount of coverage individuals could receive for certain services. For example, there might have been a cap on the annual or lifetime dollar amount that could be spent on prescription drugs or hospitalization.

However, under the Affordable Care Act, essential health benefits are not subject to these coverage caps. This means that individuals can access the necessary services and treatments without worrying about reaching a limit on their coverage. Whether it’s a life-saving medication or a major surgical procedure, individuals can have peace of mind knowing that their essential health needs will be covered.

By eliminating coverage caps, the ACA has not only provided patients with more benefits but has also reduced the financial burden that often comes with obtaining necessary medical care. No longer do individuals have to worry about exceeding their coverage limits and being left with exorbitant medical bills. This change has brought about a significant positive impact on the affordability and accessibility of healthcare for many Americans.

Expanded Services

Another important aspect of essential health benefits is the expansion of services that must be covered by health insurance plans. Before the ACA, many insurance plans did not cover certain categories of services, leaving individuals without access to vital care. However, with the introduction of essential health benefits, individuals now have access to a broader range of services that are deemed essential for their well-being.

The essential health benefits include categories such as ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services, laboratory services, preventive and wellness services, and pediatric services. These services cover a wide range of healthcare needs, ensuring that individuals have access to comprehensive care.

For example, mental health and substance abuse services are now included as essential health benefits. This means that individuals struggling with mental health disorders or substance abuse issues can receive the necessary treatment and support without facing barriers to coverage. Maternity coverage is also included, providing pregnant individuals with the care they need throughout their pregnancy and childbirth journey.

Furthermore, the expansion of essential health benefits also includes habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders. This means that individuals with conditions such as autism or intellectual disabilities can access therapies and interventions that support their development and improve their quality of life.

In conclusion, essential health benefits have had a significant impact on health insurance coverage. The elimination of coverage caps ensures that individuals have access to the necessary services without facing financial barriers. Additionally, the expansion of services ensures that essential healthcare needs are met, including mental health services, maternity coverage, and habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders. These changes have greatly improved the comprehensiveness and affordability of health insurance for all Americans.

To learn more about essential health benefits, you can visit here.

Challenges and Considerations with Essential Health Benefits

State Variations

When it comes to essential health benefits (EHB), the specific services covered may vary from state to state. Each state has an EHB-benchmark plan, which is based on regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These benchmark plans serve as a reference point for determining the coverage requirements in each state. However, states also have the option to update their benchmark plans based on new standards established by the HHS.

It’s important to note that not all EHB-benchmark plans may comply with current federal requirements. In some cases, issuers may need to make adjustments to ensure that their plan benefits align with the latest regulations. Additionally, the EHB-benchmark plans may include annual and lifetime dollar limits, but these limits cannot be applied to essential health benefits.

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that states have the authority to determine which specific services are included in their EHB-benchmark plans. This means that certain services may be covered in one state but not in another. Therefore, when comparing health insurance plans, it’s crucial to carefully review the details of what each plan offers to ensure that it aligns with your specific healthcare needs.

Compliance Issues

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all individual and small group health plans to cover essential health benefits, there can be compliance issues with certain EHB-benchmark plans. Some plans may not fully comply with federal requirements, particularly in areas such as mental health parity and preventive services.

To address these compliance issues, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved changes to EHB-benchmark plans for several states for plan years 2020-2025. These changes aim to bring the plans in line with current regulations and ensure that individuals have access to the necessary services.

It’s important to understand that essential health benefits offer comprehensive health insurance for all Americans, covering a wide range of services such as ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services, laboratory services, preventive and wellness services, and pediatric services.

The ACA has greatly expanded coverage by eliminating caps on essential health benefits, providing patients with more comprehensive benefits and reducing financial burdens. Previously, many plans did not cover important services such as mental health and substance abuse services, maternity coverage, and habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders. The requirement for essential health benefits ensures that individuals have access to these vital services.

In conclusion, while essential health benefits offer significant advantages in terms of comprehensive coverage, it’s important to be aware of the challenges and considerations that can arise. State variations in coverage and compliance issues with EHB-benchmark plans can impact the specific services available to individuals. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully review the details of each plan and ensure that it aligns with your healthcare needs. Remember, access to essential health benefits is a vital component of ensuring quality healthcare for all Americans.

For more information, you can refer to the glossary on essential health benefits.

Conclusion: Ensuring Comprehensive Health Insurance for All

In conclusion, essential health benefits play a vital role in ensuring comprehensive health insurance for all Americans. These benefits, mandated under the Affordable Care Act, encompass a range of services that health insurance plans must cover. From doctors’ services and hospital care to prescription drugs and mental health services, essential health benefits provide a safety net for individuals and families.

One of the key aspects of essential health benefits is their inclusivity. These benefits cover a wide array of services, including pregnancy and childbirth, preventive care, pediatric services, and rehabilitative and habilitative services. By eliminating caps on coverage, the Affordable Care Act has expanded access to essential health benefits, reducing financial burdens and providing patients with much-needed support.

It’s important to note that while essential health benefits are required by federal law, the specific services covered may vary from state to state. Each state has an EHB-benchmark plan, which serves as a basis for determining what services are included. Additionally, states have the option to update their EHB-benchmark plans to align with new regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services.

However, it’s worth mentioning that some EHB-benchmark plans may not comply with current federal requirements. In such cases, issuers may need to adjust plan benefits to ensure compliance. Furthermore, certain services, such as mental health parity and preventive services, may not be adequately covered by EHB-benchmark plans.

Despite these challenges, essential health benefits remain a crucial component of comprehensive health insurance. They fill gaps that existed in previous insurance plans, covering services like mental health and substance abuse treatment, maternity care, and habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders. By mandating coverage for these essential services, the Affordable Care Act has made significant strides towards providing quality healthcare for all Americans.

In conclusion, essential health benefits are a cornerstone of comprehensive health insurance. They ensure that individuals and families have access to vital services, promoting overall well-being and reducing healthcare disparities. As we move forward, it is essential to continue advocating for comprehensive health insurance that encompasses a broad range of services, guaranteeing that no one is left behind when it comes to their healthcare needs.

For more information on essential health benefits, you can visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are essential health benefits?

Essential health benefits are a set of 10 categories of services that health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable Care Act. These categories include doctors’ services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more.

Do all health insurance plans cover essential health benefits?

Yes, all health insurance plans are required to cover essential health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. However, some plans may offer additional services beyond the essential health benefits.

Are dental benefits included in the essential health benefits?

Dental coverage for children is required to be included in the essential health benefits. However, dental benefits for adults are optional and may not be included in all plans.

Do the specific services covered vary by state?

Yes, the specific services covered may vary based on the requirements of each state. Each state has an Essential Health Benefits (EHB)-benchmark plan based on regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). States also have the option to update their EHB-benchmark plans based on new standards established by HHS.

How can I see what services are covered by each plan?

The details of what each plan offers can be seen when comparing plans. It is important to review the plan’s coverage details to understand the specific services covered.

Are there any limitations to essential health benefits?

While essential health benefits are required to be covered, some EHB-benchmark plans may not comply with current federal requirements. In such cases, issuers may need to conform plan benefits to comply with current regulations. Additionally, annual and lifetime dollar limits may be applied to the EHB-benchmark plans, but not to essential health benefits themselves.

Can plans exclude coverage for certain essential health benefits?

No, plans cannot exclude enrollees from coverage in an entire essential health benefits category. However, some EHB-benchmark plans may not include coverage for certain services, and states may determine which services are included.

Do EHB-benchmark plans comply with mental health and preventive services requirements?

Some EHB-benchmark plans may not comply with mental health parity and preventive services requirements. It is important to review the specific details of each plan to understand the coverage provided.

What is the purpose of essential health benefits?

The purpose of essential health benefits is to ensure comprehensive health insurance coverage for all Americans. The Affordable Care Act eliminated caps on coverage for essential health benefits, providing patients with more benefits and reducing financial burden. It also ensures coverage for important services that were not previously covered by many plans, such as mental health and substance abuse services, maternity coverage, and habilitative services for developmental and intellectual disorders.


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